ACTION ALERT: Tell CA Democratic Senators to Support SB 932 Leno’s 2011 CELL PHONE LEGISLATION This year’s Right-to-Know Cell Phone Bill Senator Mark Leno’s SB 932 is different than last year’s SB 1212. SB 932 simply includes the following notice at the retail location and website and on the phone’s exterior packaging: “This device emits radiofrequency energy. Consult the user’s manual for additional information on safe use” Please fax a letter to your local State Senator today to demand Support of SB 932- a simple disclosure – Consumers have the Right-to-Know what is otherwise hidden in the back of the phone’s user manual; which is information required by the FCC. FCC requires notification in the manual that if you keep the phone on your body you are exceeding FCC exposure limits. Phones are too ubiquitous of devices to hide such important information in manuals that few users ever read. Industry advertises these products being held at the head in very close proximity to the body. Blackberry ads for example tell you to “keep your friends in your pocket” while the manual clearly instructs users to keep them 0.98 inches from the body, especially the lower abdomen of teenagers and the abdomen of pregnant women”-Let’s get legislation on cell phones ENACTED this year in CA! Please FAX your letter demanding SUPPORT for SB 932 To the TOP 10 Democratic Senators recipients of Telecom Industry campaign contributions 1 1 per
I Need your help NOW on CA’s SB 932 --it may be on the Senate Floor this week Help STOP unsafe use of cell phones NOW! Protect cell phone users in CA and nationwide from unsafe use of cell phones. Please: · fwd this ACTION ALERT to ALL of your family and friends and collegues. · call, fax/email a short note to all or any Senators below. · Tell them to: VOTE YES on SB 932
WE NEED 21 Democratic YES VOTES to PASS out of the SENATE!! All emails are in format such as FAX preferred Alex Padilla- phone- 916-651-4020 faxes- 916-324-6645 and 818-901-5563 Roderick Wright – phone- 916-651-4025 faxes- 916-445-3712 and 310-412-0996 Curren Price- phone- 916-651-4026 faxes- 916-445-8899 and 213-745-6722 Joel Anderson- phone- 916-651-4036 faxes- 916-447-9008 and 619-596-3140 and 951-676-1030 Ron Calderon - 916-651-4033 faxes- 916-327-8755 and 323-890-2795 Darrell Steinberg (thank him) phone- 916-651-4019 faxes- 916-327-8754 and 916-323-2263 Kevin DeLeon – phone- 916-651-4022 faxes- 916-327-8817 and 213-612-9591 and 213-612-8566 Lou Correa-phone- 916 -651-4034 and 714- 558-4400 fax- 714-558-4111 Christine Kehoe ( – phone 916-651-4039 faxes- 916-327-2188 and 619-645-3144 Bob Dutton- phone-916-651-4031 faxes- 916-327-2272 and 909-466-4185 and 951-715-2627 Elaine Alquist phone- 916-651-4013 Tom Berryhill faxes- 916-327-3523, 209-576-6475, 559-253-7127 Sam Blakeslee phone- 916-651-4015 faxes- 916-445-8081 805-549-3779 Anthony Cannella- faxes- 916-445-0773,209-577-4963,209-726-5448,831-769-8086 Ellen Corbett phone 916-651-4010 fax Mark DeSaulnier phone- 916-651-4007 Bill Emmerson-phone-916-651-4037 fax- 916-651-4037, 951-680-6757, 760-568-1501 Noreen Evans-phone- 916-651-4002 faxes- 916-323-6958, 707-576-2773,707-445-6511,707-468-8931,707-224-1992, 707-648-5383 Jean Fuller- phone- 916-651-4018 faxes- 916-322-3304 and 661-323-0446 Loni Hancock- faxes- 916-327-1997 and 510-286-3885 Tom Harman- phone- 916-651-4035 faxes- 714-957-4560 and 714-957-4560 Ed Hernandez phone 916-651-4024 Bob Huff -phone- 916-324-0922 faxes- 909-598-6459 and 916-651-4029 La Malfa- phone- 916-651-4004 faxes- 916-445-7750, 916-435-0749, 530-532-5865, 530-225-3143, 707-464-1488 Mark Leno 916-651-4003 fax- 916-445-4722 Ted Lieu- phone- 916-651-4028 faxes- 916-323-6056, 310-318-6733 Carol Liu (Peevey’s wife)- Phone- 916-651-4021 faxes- 916-324-7543 and 818-409-1256 Alan Lowenthal- faxes- 916-327-9113 and 562-529-6662 Gloria Negrete McLeod-phone- 916-651-4032 faxes- 916-445-0128 and 909-621-7483 Fran Pavley-phone- 916-651-4023 faxes- 916-324-4823 and 310-314-5263 Curren Price phone-916-651-4026 faxes- 916-445-8899 and 213-745-6722 Michael Rubio- phone- 916-651-4016 faxes- 916-327-5989, 661-385-2622, 559-445-6506 Sharon Runner- phone- 916-651-4017 faxes- 916-445-4662, 661-729-1683, 661-286-2543,760-843-8348 Joe Simitian phone 916-651-4011 faxes- 916-393-4529 and 650-688-6370 Tony Strickland- phone 916-651-4019 faxes- 916-324-7544, 805-965-0701, 805-306-8899 Juan Vargas- phone- 916-651-4040 faxes- 916-327-3522,619-409-7688,760-355-3444 Mimi Walters- phone- 916-651-4033 faxes- 916-445-9754 and 949-457-7305 Lois Wolk- faxes 916-323-2304, 707-454-3811, 209-948-7993 Mark Wyland- faxes- 760-931-2477,949-489-8354,916-446-7382,916-651-4038 Leland Yee- faxes- 916-327-2186 and 415-557-7857 Home Back